Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Oh Romeo, parting is such sweet sorrow....Act 5

To Do:
1. Review Modern English version of Act 5
2. Act 4 Reflections are due on Wednesday, 2/15
3. Study Island (Act 1, 2, and 3- 15 questions each and a 70%)
4. Act 4 Projects are due on Tuesday, 2/21
5. This week: 2/9-2/13- Read the translated version of  Act 5 of R and J to prepare for the final act

  Remember, you must complete a total of two projects throughout all five acts of the play.  Please look over project choices for Acts 4 and 5.
6. Act 5 test will be on Thursday.  See below

Act 4 Reflection:
1. Who said these lines?  Identify the character and scene.  Briefly explain each quote (This means you must tell why each character said the following quotes and in what context.  A - E  do not have to be answered in three paragraphs).REM to include the Act, Scene, Line
A. “Happily met, my lady and my wife!
B. “What must be shall be.”
C. “Love give me strength, and strength will help me through.  Goodbye, dear father.”\
D. “O, look!  Methinks I see my cousin’s ghost seeking out Romeo that did spit his body upon a rapier’s point.  Stay, Tybalt, stay!  Romeo, I come!  This do I drink to thee.”
E. “Alas!  Help!  Help!  My lady’s dead!” 

Today: We are going to reflect on Act 4.  Each essay must be answered in at least 3 paragraphs each.  You must include specific examples (and their line, scene and act numbers) and explain them.
Remember, a paragraph is at least 7 sentences.

**Remember to cite each line that is quoted directly

These essays are due on Wednesday, 2/15/17
They must be turned in to www.turnitn.com
2. We see a side of Juliet that we have not seen before. Describe what her actions reveal about the growth of her character. Make at least two references to details in the play to support your ideas.
 3. Think about the isolation Juliet feels as—alone in her room—she prepares to take the sleeping potion. Identify FOUR people Juliet has depended on for love, advice, or help, and explain why she cannot turn to them now.

4. What do you think of Friar Lawrence's plan? What are its strong points and drawbacks?

Act 5
Students will read, comprehend, and interpret elements of a play
Students will relate their personal experiences to the play
Students will identify soliloquies, asides and monologues
Students will respond to the play through writing, speaking and listening
Thinking About Thinking: (Meta cognitive Thinking)
Bell Ringer:
Friday:  List 5 logical changes that would have improved the decisions of the main characters

 Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

1. Students will review Act 5 Scenes 1 and 2
2. Students will read and discuss Act 5 Scene 3
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Review packet

4. Review project:for Romeo and Juliet:  
5. HOMEWORK: Student should complete the questions for the play in the packet
-Take notes
**Finish entire scene

Act 5 Test will be on Thursday.  This will be a timed essay test. 

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject


