Wednesday, 2/8 Vocab Quiz along with Act 3 Reflections
Friday, 2/10 Drama Terms Quiz
Monday, 2/13 Study Island:
Practice exercises
1. Complete Study Island exercises for Acts 1, 2, and 3. You must answer 15 questions from each and receive a 70% to get credit for the exercises.
2. Read Act 4 scenes 1 and 2 in the translated version for Tuesday, 2/7
Turn in Act 3 projects
2. Read Act 4 scenes 1 and 2 in the translated version for Tuesday, 2/7
Turn in Act 3 projects
Act 3 projects must be turned in on Friday, 2/10
Act 4
Act 4
Students will read, comprehend, and interpret elements of a play
Students will relate their personal experiences to the play
Students will identify soliloquies, asides and monologues
Students will respond to the play through writing, speaking and listening
Thinking About Thinking: (Meta cognitive Thinking)
Bell Ringer:
Tuesday: Continue to add characters to your DIVISION LIST
Wednesday: Write three main points to Act 4 Scene 1
Thursday: List two mistakes R and J made in this act
Friday: Are R and J making a mistake?
Tuesday: Plot Structure
- Students will complete a formal plot structure to review the events of Acts 1,2, and 3.
- Homework: Read and take notes up to and including Act 4 scene 3.
Wednesday- Friday- Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.
1. Students will review Act 4 Scenes 1 and 2
2. Students will read and discuss Act 4 Scene 1 through scene 5
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Review packet
Possible Quiz
5. HOMEWORK: Student should read up to scene 3 in the packet
-Take notes
**Finish entire scene
1,Go over packet questions
2. Test Review
-Keep reading ahead in your "Reading Packet"
-You should work on your projects and packet work
Closure: (Each day)
Discuss character traits of new characters
***Students should read the translated version on their own
CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject