Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tuesday - Thursday (Dec 18- 21)

Students will work on their island project

Tuesday- Continue to determine "Island Job List"
-Break up into assigned groups and research "JOBS"-- ex. plants and veggies found in the South Pacific; First aid; weather patterns...

Wednesday- Discuss research/ findings
-Discuss housing, safety, survival techniques, animal and plant life.
-Begin to create map.

1.4.11D Maintain a written record of activities, course work

Monday, December 18, 2006

Imagine your class on an island --
You were on a cruise with your comp. I class. The group was learning to write about the beauty of nature. The weather started getting rough. The tiny ship was tossed. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, this little ship would be lost.

-Create a map of your island
-Discuss what duties each person would have
-5 people have one personal item
-4 people have three small food items
-Devise a plan to get home
-Secure your island from dangers
-What would you do for fun- Make one group the social committee.
-5 items from the boat

-On day 20, a famous stranger washes up, alive, on your shore. How can he/ she help. What difference would this person make

1.4.11D Maintain a written record of activities, course work

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Turn in Research Project

Thursday, 12/14

Finish your research project and turn it in to be graded.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Individual Conferences

Monday and Tuesday, 12/11 and 12/12

Each student will discuss their rough draft with Mrs. Christian

Please make any changes and turn in your final draft by Friday.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Write a journal using the following prompt:

You’ve been stranded on an island with only three things: What are they? How did you get on the island, and why do you have these particular items?

Write two pages on the topic of your choice

1.4.11D Maintain a written record of activities, course work

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rough Draft
Wednesday and Thursday, 12/6 and 12/7

1. Continue working on Tuesday's lesson.

2. Your rough draft MUST be finalized and peer edited by Thursday

1.4.11B Write complex informational pieces1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Rough Copy

1. Create the working outline for your research paper

2. Begin your rough copy

3. Remember, you must incorporate 2/3 of your works cited into your paper.

4. Remember to use partial, paraphrased and direct quotations.

This will be collected on Thursday

1.4.11B Write complex informational pieces
1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Research Day

Tuesday and Wednesday- 11/28 & 11/29

1. There will be a graded check on your research on Thursday

2. Students must turn in their research notebook - 6 works cited (Minimum)

3. Students should organize notes.

4. All students must have direct, partial and paraphrased work in their notebooks

5. Begin a working outline. (Start with a thesis statement for your topic)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

1 Using the following link, we will explore the elements of a research paper.

1.4.11B Write complex informational pieces

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday, November 6, 2006

Select a topic for debate

Select and divide groups

Plan a research process

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2006

The crude oil used to make gasoline is a limited resource. Scientists continue to search for other ways to power cars and planes. Imagine that you invent a replacement for gasoline. It is cheap, easy to make and in endless supply

Write a short story describing how your invention changes the world. How do people react to it

***As you write and rewrite your paper, remember to:
-Describe what your invention is and why it is important to everyone in the world
-Include a series of events from the invention to the introduction of the product to its effect on the world
-present your ideas clearly and logically
-use words and well-constructed sentences effectively
-Correct any errors in spelling, punctuation and capitalization



1.4.11.A Write narrative pieces
1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, 10/30/06

Your persuasive essays are in a folder on my desk.

Today, you will get into groups and peer edit your essays.

Please make any corrections and turn them back in before the end of the period

Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

Review Day:

Reviewed the following topics:
Parallel sentence structure
Differentiating between direct, partial and paraphrased quotes

Exercises were completed on the board
Each student received handouts

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Welcome to Comp. 1!!

Composition I focuses on improving student writing skills.

This year, we will explore narrative, persuasive, descriptive and expository writing.

Students will become familiar with PSSA format and standards.

Every Friday we will part from formal writing and jump into our journals.

All work will be graded.