Friday, March 26, 2021

Act 3/ 4 JC

4/6- Complete Act 3 JC

HMK: Study Guide

4/7- Act 3 Test

HMK for Thursday, 4/8 - Read Act 4 Scenes 1 and 2 (Highlight and note)

4/8- Review  Act 4, sc 1 and 2

4/9- Friday:

Go over vocab for Acts 3,4, and 5

Hmk. for Monday, 4/12 - Make a dialogue for Act 4 sc 3 lines 65-123

Friday, 4/16- Before you enter Class, Albert Practice Assignment is due by 4/16

* You must score 60% to receive full credit

 Speech Day: 4/14-4/15  (Wednesday and Thursday)



2. Students should complete their study guide questions

3/30-3/31Students should practice the Mark Antony Speech in Act 3 sc 2

Thursday, March 25, 2021

JC Act 3

 We will be reading and discussing Act 3.

Act 3- "Friends, Romans, Counrtymen..."

Finish Act 3 (Plan for Entire Act)

 Read and discuss scenes 1 and 2

I. Response questions
Answer the following questions:

1. What is betrayal?
2. What omens have come true
- Cite Act, line and scene with each answer

3. . What would you do if you were Brutus?
4. What events in this act prove that it is the Climax?
5. As we read this act, make a list for each of the following characters:

-List every instance IN ACTS 1-3 that they were manipulative
-Which character is the most manipulative

II. Packet
Complete all of Acts 1-3 in the packet

III.  Read and Analyze Act 3 scenes 
-Highlight and take notes

Goal: ACT 3 :  Students will read, analyze and discuss Julius Caesar Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

1. Students will read and review Act 3 Scene 1
 2. Students will read and discuss Act 3 sc 2
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Students will discuss betrayal
4. What would you do if you witnessed such a scene?
3. Review packet 
1. Students will read and discuss Act 3
2. Answer packet questions
3. Continue with Plot Structure

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject

Friday, March 19, 2021

JC Act 1 and Act 2

 Due Sunday, 3/21 by 8PM - Act 1 Argument Essay

-Turn your work in to


1. Final Draft (After

2. Check List

3. Outline

REMINDER:  Review Act 2 scenes 1 and 2 Modern English

Future Work:

Antony Speech:  Required lines- Act 3 sc2 lines 71-93

*A bonus will be given for lines up to 108

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

JC ACT 1 Directions


Read Act 2 scenes 1,2  for Wednesday, 3/17


Do NOT complete your essay in SKYWARD



Using the 5 paragraph essay format (As you know, your essay is NOT limited to 5 paragraphs...TIP)

answer one of the two prompts listed below.



1. Use a Word/ Google Doc

2. Underline your thesis (Make sure you present your thesis as a provable argument that overarches throughout your essay)

3. Create a parallel blueprint (Develops a strong line of reasoning)

*Make sure your opening paragraph is well-developed and introduces all aspects that your will be proving.

*Do not provide short, vague sentences.  Write so that your reader does not become confused by unclear or underdeveloped thoughts.

4. Use transitional phrasing throughout the essay (avoid trite transitions such as: first, second, lastly...etc)

5. In your body paragraph, use cited textual evidence to prove each of your blueprint points AND your thesis)

6. Use DEVELOPED EXAMPLES in your body paragraphs

7. Embed your examples (a. introduce example, b. state and cite example c. embed your example -give it purpose to prove your subtopic and thesis)

8. If you are going to limit a body paragraph to 1 example, make sure it proves your claim and it is well developed

9. Make sure each body paragraph proves it subtopic and supports the argument made in your thesis

10. Conclusion:  Not just a summary.  This paragraph should conclude/ solidify your argument made in your thesis.




1. Cassius clearly has a problem with Caesar.  Create an essay proving  the basis of Cassius's motives.(Is he jealous, Is he doing this for the good of Rome?  Is he vengeful?  Are his actions justified?)  Develop an essay Proving Cassius's motives and purpose.  Follow the directions above.  (Create a quick outline, and find your evidence before you begin writing)

*Consider the arguments he presents to Brutus.  Justify your reasoning with textual evidence, social evidence, & pertinent examples, not opinion.


2. Let's look at Brutus. Should his decisions merit justification?  (Is he being swayed because he is seriously considering the good of Rome?  Is he jealous?  Is he power-hungry) *Consider the arguments Cassius presents to Brutus, and his reactions.  Justify your reasoning with textual evidence, literary evidence,  social evidence, & pertinent examples, not opinion.


IF YOU FEEL CREATIVE, YOU CAN CREATE 1 ARGUMENT WITH 1 LINE OF REASONING THAT COMBINES BOTH PROMPTS.  (Do not present both sides or discuss characters separately.  Create 1 argument and prove it.)


All essays MUST be run through

**See Citing Shakespeare with MLA worksheet in GC

Monday, March 15, 2021

ACt 1

 Monday, 3/15

-Today we will review and finish reading Act 1 JC
-discuss key quotes and actions that lead to the rising action

Tuesday, Bell ringer
Thinking About Thinking: (Meta cognitive Thinking)
 Define the word BETRAYAL
Write a question about the concept of forgiving someone
(Be ready to answer and discuss the concept of forgiveness)

Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.
Tuesday: (After Assigning Parts)
1. Students will review Act 1
2. Students will read and discuss Act 1 
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Review packet
4. Test on Act 1

Remember to complete character lists :
-Find a way to mark characters as Friends of Caesar / Foes of Caesar (Conspirators)
-Death list

Discuss Caesar and Brutus as a paradox

Homework for Wendesday:
Read, highlight and take notes on Act 2 scenes1,  2
Link to text

Homework: you will read, highlight and take notes on Act 2 
***Students should read the translated version on their own
CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 3/12 Asynchronous Assignment-

- Read, highlight, and notate Act 1 Scene 3- JC Modern English

-Complete the corresponding study guide questions.

Monday, March 08, 2021

OMM Character Analysis Correction

 1. Go to

2. Call up your essay

3. Check out all of the comments

4. Click on all of the comments in blue boxes....they expand

5. Rewrite your essay and turn it back in to

6. It is due at the end of 7th period.

Read the Modern English Side of Act 1, Scene 2

 Read, Highlight Quotes, Highlight notes, and Write a summary at the bottom of each Modern English Column for JC Act 1 Scene 2


Check tomorrow

Monday, March 01, 2021

Intro to Julius Caesar

 Monday, 3/1-Review Homework for Monday, 3/1 - Vocab Acts 1 and 2 in the packet

-Roman History and the History of Julius Caesar.  See links below

Tuesday,  3/2   - Test:  Drama Terms, Ren. Timeline, and Shakespeare   

Wednesday, 3/3- Review Vocab for Acts 1 and 2

                           -Pass out packets

      Thursday, 3/4              -Assign Act 1 Modern English for homework

                                     -Students MUST HIGHLIGHT ,TAKE COMPREHENSIVE NOTES AND                                                   WRITE A SUMMARY ON  THE Modern Eng.

                               -Everyone will show notes, highlights and summaries 

                            -Assign Parts (Day1 M/W)
                            -                      (Day 2 T/Th)
**We will read the first act together
**If you don't bring your packet and play, you will receive a 0 for the day.
**Packets and Plays will be checked daily

THURSDAY, 3/4- Begin Julius Caesar
**You are responsible for reading the MODERN ENGLISH sections assigned to you each night.  You are expected to take comprehensive notes, highlight and write a summary on each page.  This will be graded.
***We will NEVER READ the Modern English version in class.
Links: To Review
The Globe

Drama Terms

Renaissance History

Julius Caesar Review:

Intro to Julius Caesar

Friday, 2/12 Bell ringer:  Discuss one way in which people can be manipulated.  Give an example

Goal: Students will explore the historical background to Julius Caesar
Students will discuss PARADOX

1. In the packet, students will read "An Introduction to Julius Caesar"
2. Student will read and take notes on "A Brief History of the Roman Empire"

3. Review Caesar's Timeline:

Paradox can prove to be very revealing about human nature and the way that we speak. If someone says to you "I'm a compulsive liar," do you believe them or not? That statement in itself is a paradox, because it is self contradictory, which is precisely what a paradox is.
At the most basic level, a paradox is a statement that is self contradictory because it often contains two statements that are both true, but in general, cannot both be true at the same time. In the aforementioned example, can someone be both a compulsive liar yet telling the truth at the same time?

Caesar as a PARADOX:
1. A great general
2. Charismatic in politics
3. Decisive in his judgements
4. Sharp in his evaluations of men

(However/ Paradoxically)
1. He is deaf in one ear
2. Prone to fevers and epilepsy
3. Unable to compete with Cassius by swimming in the Tiber River fully armed
4. Afflicted with a sterile marriage
5. He professes to fear nothing yet is extremely superstitious
6. He thinks he is above flattery, yet he is especially vulnerable to it.

All of this is a paradox because he had aspirations to be above MORTAL weakness

Brutus is a PARADOX
1.1. Strengths different- weaknesses similar

A. Truly noble Roman from an ancient family whose glory it had been to defend the personal liberties of Rome (Roman Tradition)
B. Good rapport with courageous and noble wife
C. Genuinely kind to servants
D. Trustworthy in friendship
E. Finds Caesar's ambition for power distasteful and vulgar

**Brutus's "Hubris" is  pride of family and country -- on these he is vulnerable to flattery even though he too, feels that he is above it.

R11.A.2 Identify, interpret, describe and analyze literary devices in fictional and literary