Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Journal Day

Today is the end of the week and that means it is once again journal day.
Everyone did a good job with their presentations this week, despite all of the chaos due to the computer crash and krispy kreames.
I've decided since everyone did such a good job this week that you will be getting a small reward.

I am going to allow everyone to have a free write today. You can write about anything thing that comes to mind, however there are a few catches.

1. You must be constantly writing.
2. You must complete 3 full pages of writing.
3. It must be quiet. No talking.
4. Whatever you write about must be school appropriate. (No drugs, racy topics, alcohol, guns, violence, etc.
5. No games
6. No Internet until you have completed 3 FULL pages.

Have fun with this and enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Journal Day

Today is Friday and that means it is once again, journal day. Everyone will need their journals. You must be working! Everyone will need to complete three full pages intheir notebook before the end of the class period today. There is no specific format you need to use, just write.

Since today is the unnofficial start of the Bloomsburg Fair, I am going to let everyone write about the Fair. You may write about anything you feel like involving the Fair. (Favorite foods, things to do, things you like, things you do not like, favorite stops, shows you are going to see, etc.)

Anyone that cannot think of anything to write about the Fair must still be writing. I will give you the option to freewrite today until you can think of something. This means that you can write whatever comes to mind, as long as it school appropriate. (no racy topics, drugs, alcohol, violence, etc.) Any violations of this rule will result in disciplinary action.

Everyone must be quiet today as well. If I hear too much talking going on, you will lose journal day.

Have fun and try not to eat too much this weekend.

Academic Content Standard:
5.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Informational Essay Day 3

Today we will be starting the final phases of this project. I will be giving you a few minutes at the beginning of class to finalize any remaining writing for this essay.

Be sure to proofread this very well. Remember you cannot use first person, second person or contractions. Do not forget to double check that you also have every required step in your process.

Once you have finished your proofreading, let me know and I will tell you when you can print.

Before the end of class we will begin presentations for anyone that can start their presentations without any outside materials.

Anyone who does not get to go today will be presenting on Monday.
Do not forget to bring any materials you will need.

Academic Content Standards:
1.5.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Informational Essay Day 2

Today we will be continuing to work on the informational essays that you began in class yesterday. You will need to complete these essays by the end of the period, so everyone should be working. As long as everyone finishes their assignment today we can begin presentations tomorrow.

That however, hinges on the fact that EVERYONE must be done writing.

If you have any questions about your paper do not be afraid to ask. I will help you with any part of your essay, but I will not write it for you. If you are having trouble finding a way to avoid second person, ask me and we will work it out.

Remember there can be no first or second person in this paper.
You cannot use contractions.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, we must be able to act out your how-to in class.

If you are having problems in any of these areas, see me immediately.

You may refer back to the previous two days blogs if you need any refreshers on what you should be doing.

Academic Content Standards:
1.5.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Informational Essay

Yesterday we began working with informational essays. We had a demonstration of just how difficult it can be to ensure you have filled in every detail when giving information.

Today, in order for everyone to learn how to write the facts without interjecting opinion, we will be writing how-to essays. Using the steps you started working on yesterday, we will begin writing a paper. You will need to take the ordered steps that you chose and place them into paragraph format.

I will be giving you more time today to finish writing out all of the steps you will need to finish this project.

Be sure to include every detail of the task you are writing about.
Remember leaving out even one little step can completely stop your project.
You cannot skip steps. If you would need to do it, you need to write about it.

Remember to be specific. If something must be done with a specific hand, foot, etc. be sure to note it.
If a specific part of something must be used,(left shoelace, right corner, etc.) be sure to mention that as well.
Make sure that someone else would be able to follow your directions to accomplish the task you have chosen.

While writing your paper, be sure to keep track of what step you are on in your process.
Do not let your steps fall out of order. Everything has a specific time it must be done, keep it that way.
Your paper needs to have a clear introduction, body and conclustion.
You will need a thesis for this paper.

I will explain the body paragraphs in detail in class.
Rememeber this paper must be unbaised, that means no opinion in this paper.

I should not see any use of the first (I, we, us) or second person (you).
This paper must be written in the third person. (He, She, They)

Do not use any contractions (it's, they're, can't, don't, won't, etc.)

Academic Content Standards:


Monday, September 17, 2007

Writing an Informational Essay

Informational Writing: Material through which an author shares ideas, facts, or instructions by helping the reader to compare familiar items with items that are not familiar

In other words, an informational essay explains a process or shows the reader how something works.

Informational writing offers factual, unbiased, and expansive information. Informational essays may be based on research, or may be a personal essay based on personal thoughts and observations. (ie. something you have firsthand experience with.)

Differing from many other types of essay, the writer’s job is to explain and inform without offering an opinion or developing an argument.

An Informational essay must be impartial this means an informational essay is always written in the third person.

The goal of an informational essay is provide the reader with a full understanding of a complex process or situation.

Make sure all of your ideas are organized in a logical manner.

Offer concrete explanations and examples

Every "step" must be clear. If one "step" is not clear to the reader, then every step that follows is useless.

-Informational Writing is used in completing school projects, applying for and carrying out the duties of a job, and performing personal communications.

Types of Informational Writing include: Letters, biographies, definitions of simple abstract ideas, summaries, instructions or directions, description of a method or process, explanation of causes and effects, analysis of facts or ideas, comparisons of facts and ideas, expression of opinion through critique or review. - Example of an Informational essay.


Monday, September 10, 2007

PSSA Practice Day

We have spent the last week practicing writing Introductory Paragraphs for a 5 paragraph essay. Today we will be putting that practice to use.

Everyone will be required to respond to a PSSA writing prompt, using the 5 paragraph essay format.

You will have exactly 30 minutes once we begin to complete the prompt.

There will be no extensions on this project, it will take place just as if today were the PSSA writing exam.

Everyone will be asked to respond to the prompt:

Allowing students to leave campus during school hours has been restricted by some school districts. Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not?

Write a short essay explaining your ideas about this topic. Use facts and clear writing to be persuasive.

After 30 minutes the prompts will be collected to be graded based on the PSSA writing rubric.

Academic Content Standards:

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus
1.5.11 B Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic
1.5.11C Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Journal Day

Today is Friday and that means it is Journal Day.

The first thing we will be doing today is discussing 2 news articles. Take five minutes to read the 2 links and we will discuss them briefly as a class.

Germy Playgrounds

Squirrel Attacks Boy

You will have the remainder of the period to write in your journals about the following prompt:

You were given unlimited funding to go on a one week vacation and the ability to take one other person with you on this trip.
1. Who would you take with you?
2. Where would you go? (You may make multiple stops, but remember you only have 7 days.)
3. What would you do when you got there?

Do not forget that you need to fill at least two pages in your journal by the end of class and keep it clean. No racy topics, drugs, alcohol, etc.

Have fun!

Academic Content Standards:

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus
1.5.11 B Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic