Monday, August 23, 2021

Intro Lesson and Essay

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Continue with essay: 

Assignment 1: Writing Sample

Today is your first day as a high school student, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know this is a new experience, and frankly this year, it is an odd experience! The unknown is challenging!! Let's channel this idea for your writing sample.

You are going to write a paragraph on the following topic:

Topic: How do you feel about attending high school? Growing up, you have watched at least a thousand tv shows that featured high school scenarios. Now it's your turn to talk about your expectations.


I. Suggested Details:

A. Introductory statement (Do not begin with a question). 
B. Thesis statement: (This is going to be the idea that you are going to prove/ support/ develop throughout the paragraph)- What point are you going to prove about the topic?
C. Be sure to include specific details.....don't be vague
(You can include vivid background details to support/ develop your idea of high school)
D. Conclusion

**Each paragraph should be at LEAST 8-10 sentences...….If you write more.....awesome!!

-You are allowed to use first person.....NEVER second person (you)
-Use complete sentences
-Transitions between new ideas to connect them
-Check your spelling
-Be clear and organized
-Have fun with it.....Be creative!!


Assignment 2 -Homework: Vocabulary Unit 1

Complete Unit 1 (Pages 8-11) and use 10 vocab words in original sentences. Be sure to include context clues to help identify each word.

*The Vocab is Due Friday, 8/27 (All sections)

Turn in Unit 1 and the sentences separately. I will explain in class.

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