Monday, April 20, 2020

TKAM 16-17 and Research Assignment

I. Research Assignment:
     A.  HS Library Database instructions:
     B.  If anyone would like to use the PowerLibrary or Proquest databases for enrichment, students can access them remotely using the links on the high school library website.  
     C. The PowerLibrary password is 24752000189470 or they can use a public library card number.        D. The Proquest login is username: berwickhs, password: berwickhs. 
II. Read over the two PowerPoints
     A. Note any questions you have
     B. I will begin to go over the PowerPoints next Wednesday.
III.  After the PowerPoints
     A. Begin the two Assignments
     B. Please complete them by Friday, 5/8
     C. Turn them in to Google Classroom.  
     (I will share them with Mrs. Henry....She will grade them and check off the skill in your file)

-For Wednesday, 4/23 -READ CHAPTERS 16-17
-By Wedensday, 4/23- make sure journal 7-9 is turned in
-By Friday, 4/25 - Turn in Journal 10-12
-By Monday, 4/28- turn in Journal 13-15

Chapter 16 Notes:
-Why does Scout cry?  Does she understand?
-Atticus says that Mr. Underwood despises black people, but was still willing to defend Atticus. 
-Aunt Alexandra urges Atticus not to speak like that in front of Calpurnia, but Atticus protests as usual, claiming fairness and honesty are important. 
-Scout wonders out loud why Mr. Cunningham wanted to hurt Atticus when he usually is Atticus's friend. 
-Atticus explains that some people can forget that they are human beings when they become part of a mob. (Mob Mentality)
-Clearly moved by the situation, Atticus explains to her that it took an eight-year-old girl to bring them to their senses.

-Let the trial begin 
-Atticus tells the kids to stay they ever listen?
-Nope, Scout, Jem, and Dill go to the courthouse where the locals are all out picnicking in the park. (What an event to celebrate?????? ODDDDDDD)

Dolphus Raymond is'll have to read on to learn why
-They notice Mr. Dolphus Raymond drinking liquor from a paper bag and sitting with the black people. 
-Jem explains that he married a black woman and that he has "mixed" children. Jem says that these children are "sad" because they don't feel accepted by black people or by white people - though they can be accepted in the North.
-In the packed courthouse, the children have trouble getting seats , don't worry, Rev. Sykes helps them
-Scout believes The JUDGE is a good person

CHAPTER 17-Look for the clues and deduce your own thoughts
-Sheriff Tate Speaks first as he's questioned by Mr. Gilmer (Ewell's attorney)
He states the events surrounding Tom Robinson and Mr. Ewell's daughter, Mayella. Mr. Tate states that on November 21, Mr. Ewell came to get him because he claimed Mayella was raped by an African American
- He says that he found Mayella on the floor, very beaten up, and that Mayella claimed Tom Robinson had taken advantage of her and beaten her. Atticus questions Tate next, asking whether anyone called a doctor. 
-No doctor?   No Evidence!  (Think Scottsboro Boys)
-Mr. Tate says no. Atticus asks where Mayella had been beaten, and Mr. Tate says, with some hesitation, that her right eye and entire right side of her face were bruised, and she had scratches all around her neck.
-Mr. Ewell is surly and crass in the witness chair, but the judge, who clearly does not respect the man, manages to keep everything orderly. 
Mr. Gilmer asks Mr. Ewell for his version of the events. (Be able to point these out...note the page numbers)
-Atticus questions Mr. Ewell, asking whether a doctor was called, and Mr. Ewell again says that no (Why do you think this would have been key?)
-Atticus asks if Mr. Ewell remembers Mayella's injuries as being the same as described by the sheriff. Mr. Ewell says that he does. Atticus asks if Mr. Ewell can write, and he says he can, so Atticus asks him to write his name on an envelope. In so doing, it is revealed that Mr. Ewell is left-handed.
(What does this clue prove?)

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, 4/23 @2  Hope to see you there!!

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