Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Mockingbird 14-20

To Kill a Mockingbird  Chapters 14-20

Since the wrong link was posted for the vocab test, let's try it again on Monday.

Please go to Skyward in class on Monday and take your test.

Sorry for the mix-up.
Mrs. C

To Kill a Mockingbird

Goal: Students will cover chapters 14-20 in TKAM by Tuesday, 3/28
          Students will discuss the following concepts: Poverty,  Racism, Courage
          Students will identify literary terms:  Metaphor, simile,  Conflict, Allusion
          Students will review vocabulary from the text

By Wednesday, 3/22

Mockingbird Chapters 11- 13

In Class, students will break into groups and complete the following:
-Create 5 talking points for each chapter
-List at least one quote from each chapter to be discussed
-Work on packet -Literary term section

By Thursday, 3/23
Students will read chapter 14 and complete all packet work up to this section


**Be ready for a type 2 quiz

1. Take quiz....No books
2. Make sure your packet work and character lists are completed.
3. Homework for Tuesday (Read chapters 15-22
4. Journals
5. Complete ALL sections of the packet

Friday, 3/24- Vocab test

**You will have Friday and Monday (3/24 and 3/27) to read silently and work on the journals and packets