Tuesday, November 29, 2016

OMM/ Great Depression Research Paper

Wednesday, 12/7 Library recheck day:  Check sources

The research paper will be due on Monday, 12/12
Tuesday: Introduction to note taking
Review Research paper requirements and rubric

Go to library and begin research.

You are required to bring your laptops with you during this project. 

OMM Research Paper Requirements:

OMM Rubric:

Please see the OMM Research Paper Requirements link for deadlines and directions

All papers Must be Proofread aloud
All papers Must be placed through www.grammarly.com/edu
All papers Must be submitted on time to www.turnitin.com
(No exceptions;  Deductions will be given for papers turned in after December 9th.
All papers must include a graphic organizer.  Please use the 5 Paragraph essay outline under "Links"
**Your papers will be more than 5 paragraphs, so please adjust the outline accordingly.

***The links can be found in your OneDrive under COLLABORATIVE and then go to HOMEWORK.  It is suggested that you download these documents into your personal class notebook.


Step 1:
Before you write, you must have an idea for your thesis
What are you going to prove?
Today, we are going to read…noting which books you wish to return to in the future
Make sure you find enough info to support your paper

 Step 2:
Homework:  Bring in your thesis and create a general 5 paragraph outline for your paper

Step 3:
Go to the library and gather notes
Tomorrow we will begin taking notes

Note taking:
Must take notes from at least 5 sources
Be sure to use note card and Bib card format
Take tons of notes
Place Quotation marks around notes taken directly
Mark as ‘Paraphrased’ for notes you put in your own words/ summarize
-always be sure to include your bib card so you know where to return to that information

Step 4:

In the actual paper:
5 or more must be used in the paper – parenthetical citations

In the library/ initial research:
 While collecting research (before you write your paper)
When you are in the library, you need to take notes from 5-6 sources minimum
You prob. Won’t use all sources in your paper, but they will appear on your BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGE
Make sure you have enough notes.