Friday, October 05, 2007

Research Day

Today everyone will begin the research for their topic. Be sure to take notes during the researching process.
Everyone should be taking notes in their journals as they are researching. Be sure to take all of the information necessary to create a works cited while researching. Try to get as much information down on paper as possible.

Make sure that citations and notes are kept on the same journal page. Refer to the Bucknell link for any questions about the formating of citations. Be sure to know what kind of source is being cited at all times. (ex: newspaper, journal, book, website, popular magazine, etc. )

I will be checking notebooks for a grade to be sure that everyone is doing their research, not playing on the internet. Anyone playing games, looking at ESPN, watching music videos, etc. will be losing points.

Academic Content Standards:
1.8.11A- Select and refine a topic for research
1.8.11B- Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies.

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