Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Researching Basics

Today we will be working with a few more of the tools that are accessible within the lab. Be sure to pay attention to everything today. It is going to be a very short period, so we have to move fairly quickly. We will be working with Nettrekker, SIRS, Newspaper source and AP Multimedia.

If at any points there are any questions, do not be afraid to stop me and ask.

Nettrekker will require a password.

Username: Berwickhs
Password: Library

These databases are full of reliable sources for research papers. There should be no reason to search outside sources for this project.

We will also be picking topics today. Only one person in each class can write a paper on a specific topic. Here is the list to choose from:


Buddy Holly
Gene Autry
Mel Torme
Burl Ives
Steven Tyler
Rage Against the Machine
Angus Young
Meatloaf Adel
Jimmy Buffet
Ozzy Osbourne
Michael Jackson
Jerry Garcia
Johnny Cash
Rolling Stone
Sir Paul McCartney
Ringo Starr
Phil Collins
Dave Matthews
Toby Keith
Alan Jackson
Breaking Benjamin
Luciano Pavoratti
Jon Bon Jovi
Eddie Van Halen
Eric Clapton
Sir Elton John
James Hetfield
Dave Mustaine
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Don Johnson
Kelsey Grammer
Tony Shaloo
Bill Cosby
Dustin Hoffman
Julia Roberts
Shirley Temple
Judy Garland
Alyssa Milano
Gene Wilder
Richard Pryor
Bob Sagat
Christopher Reeve
Angelina Jolie
Tommy Lee Jones
Will Smith
Robert Eungland
Johnny Depp
Henry Winkler
Michael Keaton
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Lou Ferrigno
Martin Scorcese
John Travolta
Michael J. Fox
Bill Murray
Dan Akroyd
Tim Allen
David Caradine
Bruce Willis
Adam Sandler
Ray Ramano
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Jennifer Aniston
Sara Michelle Gellar
Jerry Lewis
Jack Nicholson
Jack Palance

Bram Stoker
Charles Dickens
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
John Steinbeck
J.D. Salinger
J.R.R. Tolkien
J.K. Rowling
Kurt Vonnegut
Christopher Marlowe
R.L. Stine
Alexandre Dumas
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Mellville
Edgar Alan Poe
Ernest Hemmingway
Stephen King

Leonardo DaVinci
Van Goh
Charles M. Schultz

Tim Burton
Stephen Speilberg
George Lucas
George Romero
Matt Groening
Quentin Tarintino
John Carpenter
Alfred Hitchcock

Marie Antoinette
Louie XIV
Richard III
Mary Queen of Scots
Queen Elizabeth I
Henry Tudor

Thomas Edison
Ben Franklin
Bill Gates
Phil Harrison
Eli Whitney
Johann Gutenburg
Isaac Newton
Orville/ Wilbur Wright
Leonardo DaVinci
Sam Walton
Rupert Murdock

Political Figures
Mother Theresa
Pope John Paul II
Fidel Castro
Hillary Clinton
Al Gore
Douglas McArthur
Martin Luther King Jr.
Dalai Lama

Historical Figures
Christopher Columbus
Sigmund Freud
Julius Caesar
Henry Ford
Nicolaus Copernicus
Alexander the Great

Sports Stars
Michael Jordan
Jerome Bettis
Joe Dimaggio
Mia Hamm
David Beckham
Babe Ruth
Boomer Esaison
Joe Montana
Tiger Woods
Barry Bonds
Tony Hawk
Tony Dungy
Brett Favre
Andre Agasi
Maria Sharpova
Ana Kournakova
Venus/Serena Williams
Yao Ming
Matt Hoffman
Larry Bird
Allan Iverson
Wayne Gretzky
Mario Lemieux

Television Personalities
Katie Couric
Ted Turner
Bob Hope
Ellen Degeneres
Dr. Phil
Johnny Carson
David Letterman
John Stewart
Ryan Seacrest
Jerry Springer
Montel Williams
Rachael Ray
Barbra Walters
Walter Cronkite

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
John F. Kennedy
George Bush
George W. Bush
Gerald Ford
Alexander Hamilton
Ronald Regan
Richard Nixon

Academic Content Standards:

1.8.11A- Select and refine a topic for research
1.8.11B- Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies.

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