Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Parallel Structure and Research

Today we will be covering parallel structure for just a short while to be sure that everyone is comforable with the topic. Remember, parallel structure is extremely important in any papers so everyone needs to be sure that they have this down. If there are any questions, today is the day to ask them. I will not be going in to detail on this subject again, so "speak now or forever hold your peace."

Do not forget. Parallel structure involves writing all of the items of any series in a similar structure.

Once everyone has parallel structure under control, we will move on to our next topic.

We will begin working with some of the research tools that are available in the classroom. This is going to be another very important aspect of the next project we begin so take notes.

There will be a lot to search for and only a little time, so everyone needs to be on the same page.

If anyone has any questions today do not be afraid to ask. The sooner everyone understands research, the easier this project will be.

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