Monday, September 10, 2007

PSSA Practice Day

We have spent the last week practicing writing Introductory Paragraphs for a 5 paragraph essay. Today we will be putting that practice to use.

Everyone will be required to respond to a PSSA writing prompt, using the 5 paragraph essay format.

You will have exactly 30 minutes once we begin to complete the prompt.

There will be no extensions on this project, it will take place just as if today were the PSSA writing exam.

Everyone will be asked to respond to the prompt:

Allowing students to leave campus during school hours has been restricted by some school districts. Do you agree with this idea? Why or why not?

Write a short essay explaining your ideas about this topic. Use facts and clear writing to be persuasive.

After 30 minutes the prompts will be collected to be graded based on the PSSA writing rubric.

Academic Content Standards:

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus
1.5.11 B Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic
1.5.11C Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

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