Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Journal Day

Today is the end of the week and that means it is once again journal day.
Everyone did a good job with their presentations this week, despite all of the chaos due to the computer crash and krispy kreames.
I've decided since everyone did such a good job this week that you will be getting a small reward.

I am going to allow everyone to have a free write today. You can write about anything thing that comes to mind, however there are a few catches.

1. You must be constantly writing.
2. You must complete 3 full pages of writing.
3. It must be quiet. No talking.
4. Whatever you write about must be school appropriate. (No drugs, racy topics, alcohol, guns, violence, etc.
5. No games
6. No Internet until you have completed 3 FULL pages.

Have fun with this and enjoy the long weekend!

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