Friday, September 07, 2007

Journal Day

Today is Friday and that means it is Journal Day.

The first thing we will be doing today is discussing 2 news articles. Take five minutes to read the 2 links and we will discuss them briefly as a class.

Germy Playgrounds

Squirrel Attacks Boy

You will have the remainder of the period to write in your journals about the following prompt:

You were given unlimited funding to go on a one week vacation and the ability to take one other person with you on this trip.
1. Who would you take with you?
2. Where would you go? (You may make multiple stops, but remember you only have 7 days.)
3. What would you do when you got there?

Do not forget that you need to fill at least two pages in your journal by the end of class and keep it clean. No racy topics, drugs, alcohol, etc.

Have fun!

Academic Content Standards:

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus
1.5.11 B Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic

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