Thursday, August 01, 2024



Integrated Syllabus



Integrated English Syllabus
Contact Information:
Instructor: Mrs. Theresa Christian
Email Address:
Planning Period:            4

Text and Resource Materials:
            Required Text:
Prentice Hall Literature, Grade 9 / 10
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Shoeless Joe by Ray Kinsella
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
Once and Future King by T. H. White

Course Description:
·         An accelerated, honors-level course (1.5 credits) integrating advanced composition skills, academic writing, and a wide variety of world literature from multiple genres.

Core Ideas:
·         An accelerated course (1.5 credits) in preparation for English Department AP offerings
·         Literature content – “breadth over depth”
·         Assessment philosophy – “depth of analysis”
·         Reading focus – comprehension and analysis (literary and rhetorical choices)
·         Writing focus – the development of advanced composition skills in academic writing
·         Keystone test preparation – How to score advanced?
·         Pacing – finish main curriculum by May; review main ideas, concepts, skills; prepare for Keystone exam
·         Independent reading – “practice becomes habit”
·         *Drama unit – Draw parallels to the major themes and readings studied and read throughout the year
·         At conclusion of course, students will have the skills necessary to score advanced on Keystone exam and to enter into AP classes.

Prerequisites:  Application required

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1.    Become more open-minded and well-rounded, and to understand the importance of being a life-long learner who is willing to study and understand new ideas, philosophies, and concepts.
2.       Expand their vocabulary.
3.       Further develop their critical thinking skills through reading and writing.
4.      Intensify their study and analysis of literature (both fiction and nonfiction).
5.       Perfect their writing and communication skills through various types of writing.
6.       Use computers and other types of media for learning purposes such as for research regarding novel background information and themes.

Assessments and Grading:

Written exams, essays, oral presentations, class discussions, and projects both individual and small group. Grading is done using a total points system. Integrity is expected at all times.
Once a week we will part from formal writing and jump into our journals.
All work will be graded. Students MUST meet deadlines. Late work will not be accepted. All work must be completed. Partial essays, projects and journals will receive a zero.
1. Create a folder in your Google Drive and label it "Integrated English" 
2. Bring your laptops
3. Be ready to begin class.  Have all materials called up on your laptop

Class Expectations:
-All assignments must be turned in by the deadline.
-All assignments must be turned in on time
-You are responsible for meeting ALL deadlines. The success of this program is dependent on your contributions.
-All assignments will be graded.
(Partial homework or class work assignments will receive a "0" with no make-ups)
(You MUST learn to be responsible in this class!!)
-The final exam will cover the material from the entire year.
Personal expectations
1. Arrive on time.
2. Be prepared to learn. Bring books, pencils, paper, agenda, homework and anything you may need for class.
3. Be respectful of others.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given

Classroom rules

1.               Please follow all school health and safety guidelines.

2.               Sanitize your area

3.               Books under your chair

4.               No Cell Phones

5.               Bathroom rules: One at a time; Must sign out and in;  Wash your hands

6.               Always sign out if you leave the room for any reason

7.               Drinks on the floor

8.               Sanitizing station outside of room

9.               Manners

10.        Absolutely NO eating in the classroom

11.        Homework must be completed and turned in prior to entering class

12.        Grading

13.        All work must be turned electronically

14.        School rules

15. Always raise your hand

16. One person talks at a time

17.        Be prepared for class

18.        Social distance and Wash your hands


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