Thursday, February 28, 2019


Intro to Nonfiction

Propaganda WebQuest

Due: Friday, 3/8
1Turn your propaganda Webquests in to 

**You will have the entire class on Tuesday, 3/5 to work on this project

Turn your projects in to

Purpose: The Propaganda WebQuest was designed to help students to view the commercial world around them with a more critical eye. Its primary function is to focus students on the varied techniques employed by advertisers in order to sway public opinion. The culminating activity of creating an illustrative advertisement employing one of the techniques introduced will further synthesize the students perception of advertising tactics. Propaganda, in this case, is primarily focused on advertising. There is some background information that includes historical governmental propaganda techniques and posters, but the primary focus of this activity is to steer the students toward the marketing that is before them every day.


It's not as easy as you might think to spot hidden messagesthese techniques are designed to fool us because they appeal to our emotions rather than our reason. Propaganda designers know that you are on your guard, to get around your guard they don't put one message into a piece of propaganda they put lots of messages into one piece! The more you know about propaganda techniques and how they work, the less likely it is that someone will sneak something by you. That's why it's important to understand what propaganda is and how it works.  

Use the following links to complete the WebQuest




Task 2:
  Define Propaganda

A. List the Dictionary Definition
B. Create your own definition by reading the information under "LINKS"

Task 3: In order to recognize and use propaganda techniques you must first identify and define these tricks of the trade:

1. Bandwagon

2. Loaded Words

3. Testimonial

4. Transfer

5. Repetition

6. Name Calling

7. Fear

8. Glittering Generalities

9. Plain Folks

10. Misuse of Statistics

Task 4: In order to prevent being fooled by an effective propaganda campaign, let's closely examine propaganda techniques. Scan the Internet, newspapers and magazines to locate examples of persuasive writing (editorials, advertisements, etc.).  Choose at least one example for each type of propaganda listed above and identify and analyze the author’s use of propaganda techniques.   Next, place each ad on a PowerPoint slide, indicate the technique used, and explain how the technique is used in each ad.

Task 5: Now that you understand how to spot hidden messages it's your turn to put techniques to work. Choose a persuasive(like your convincing someone to do or buy something) topic of your own to create a brochure using at least two propaganda techniques.

More Examples 

Analyze in detail how an author’s
ideas or claims are developed and
refined by particular sentences,
paragraphs, or larger portions of a


Determine an author’s particular
point of view and analyze how
rhetoric advances the point of


Apply appropriate strategies to
analyze, interpret, and evaluate
how an author unfolds an analysis
or series of ideas or events,
including the order in which the
points are made, how they are
introduced and developed, and
the connections that are drawn
between them.


Analyze various accounts of a
subject told in different mediums
(e.g., a person’s life story in both
print and multimedia),
determining which details are
emphasized in each account.

Possible Topics

Problem/Solution Essay Ideas

Social Issues for Problem Solution Essays

  1. How can we help homeless people in our community?
  2. How can we prevent people from dropping out of high school?
  3. What is the best way to utilize social media in high school?
  4. How can students be best convinced not to experiment with drugs?
  5. How can we encourage students to be more responsible in/ with… (ex. school, life choices, money,  daily decisions) ?
  6. What can be done to eliminate or prevent racism?
  7. What is the best way to help people who are victims of family violence?
  8. How can we persuade people to make healthy lifestyle choices like not smoking, exercising and keeping a correct BMI?
  9. How can we balance the right for free speech with the right to not be insulted or abused?
  10. What should we do to help people get jobs?

Relationship Problem Solution Essay Topics

  1. How can we prevent social media bullying?
  2. What is the best way to help someone who is depressed?
  3. How can you help a friend or roommate who is making poor life choices?
  4. How can you get out of a bad relationship?
  5. How has texting affected face-to-face relationships? What can be done to make sure that people today actually know how to have "real" relationships?

Problem Solution Essays about Sports

  1. Should college athletes be paid? How can colleges handle the combination of athletics, college educations and business better?
  2. Do kids train too hard in athletics at young ages? What is the best way for a young athlete to learn a sport? (You might want to talk about a particular sport you know well).
  3. How can coaches encourage their athletes to do their best?
  4. Think about your local sports team. What can be done to make that team more effective? How can the fans be made to support the team more?
  5. How can players prepare themselves for the inevitable loss in sports?

Education Problem Solution Essay Topics

  1. How can we make education better for students who have trouble in school?
  2. How can we make education better for students who excel in school?
  3. What should be done about misbehaving and disrupting students?
  4. What should be done to make Gifted and Talented education programs more effective?  (Literally, how can you improve your current educational status?)
  5. How can cheating in school be best handled? What can teachers do? What should students do?
  6. Should schools require more physical education? How can schools help develop a healthier society?

Parenting and Family Life Problem Solution Topics

  1. How can parents handle their child's cell phone and social media use appropriately?
  2. How can parents help their children have a correct body image and avoid eating disorders?
  3. How can parents teach their children about money management?
  4. How can parents encourage their children to be honest?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Act 5

JC Act 5 - Conclusion

Objective: Introduction to ACT 5:  (Falling Action)  Students will read, analyze and discuss Julius Caesar Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

1. Students will read and review Act 5

2. Students will read and discuss/ Analyze Act 5
3. Students will identify and discuss cathartic moments from Act 5
** Students should complete their work packets and plot structure sheet

Who is alive and why did Shakespeare focus on these characters to conclude the play?
Continue the death list

Act 5 Analysis
Complete all parts of each question. All answers MUST contain specific examples from the play.  Include (Act, Scene, line)

1. Now that you have read the play in its entirety, decide for yourself whether or not Shakespeare believed that the murder of Caesar was in the best interests of the Roman people?
-To answer this question, reflect upon the facts of the play: who lives? (were their acts just?), who dies? (were their acts unjust?), and how do the speeches associated with their deaths shed light on the way “God” (in the case of a fictitious story, the playwright himself) would judge them and their actions?

2. . Since Brutus himself is said to have been “the noblest Roman of all” (V, 74), why do you think he is referred to in this manner?  Do you agree with this statement?  Explain

3. . What is said and done in Act V that supports the comment: Brutus' and Cassius' defeat is revenge for Caesar's murder?

4. Using detail from the play, discuss a moral lesson learned from the tragic events that transpired

5. Who was/ were the tragic heroes?  Provide evidence from the play that proves they were tragic heroes

6. Julius Caesar is filled with examples of dramatic irony.  Define dramatic irony (from your notes) and give two specific instances of it from the play

Resources/ Materials used:  Textbook, Smart Board, and Packet
HMK: Complete Study Island Julius Caesar Exercises by Wednesday, 2/27
Tuesday, 2/26 - Final Essay Test
Friday, 3/1 - Final JC Overall test

Standard - CC.1.2.9-10.A
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

Standard - CC.1.3.9-10.K
Read and comprehend literary fiction on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Act 4
Thinking About Thinking: (Meta-cognitive Thinking)
Tuesday, 2/19

Discuss the mind frame of the crowd
Discuss the manipulation used by Antony
Discuss elements of the falling action


Goal: Introduction to ACT 4:  (Falling Action)  Students will read, analyze and discuss Julius Caesar Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

1. Students will continue to review Act 4
 2. Students will read and discuss Act 4
** Students should complete their work packets and plot structure sheet


Falling Action:

Act 4 Analysis

Students will analyze Act 4 through Journal Writing
  Must use specific examples from the act.  Please indicate page and line numbers.

a.       What is the overall theme of this act? Give specific examples from the act to support your answer

2B.      How has Antony changed in Act IV? Give specific examples from the act to support your answer

C.      Describe the triumvirate. (List the members and discuss the stability of the government)
 Give specific examples from the act to support your answer

5D.      What disturbing news does Brutus use to explain his irritable mood in scenes II and III?

6E.      List three mistakes that Brutus has made up to this point in the play.Give specific examples from the act to support your answer

7F.      Why does Brutus want to attack Antony and Lepidus directly at Phillipi?  How does Cassius feel about this plan?  How do you feel about this plan?

8G.      What does Caesar’s ghost symbolize?

Closure: (Each day) Discuss Caesar and Brutus as a paradox ***Students should read the translated version on their own

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences

Friday, February 08, 2019

JC Act 3
Monday/ Tuesday- Practice Antony Speeches

Toga!  Toga!Toga! for bonus points!!
We will Present it on February 21st.  Be ready to sway Rome!

-Finish Act 3
-Review the packet
-Review the Analysis Questions from the blog
Complete Study Island for Act 3;  (Answer 10 questions and receive a score of 80%)

Review Caesar Vocab 1-3


Answer 3:  Must answer 7; You Pick 2

-1. What reason does Caesar give for not reading Artemidorus’s letter?
2. . What is Metellus Cimber’s petition to Caesars? What is Caesars’
response and why does he give this response? What was the propose of this petition?
3. What was each of the following characters to do at the capitol:
Trebonious, Cimber, Casca, Brutus?
4. What is Caesar’s opinion of himself? How do we know this? What does
he reference himself as?  Why is this ironic?
5. What does “Et tu, Brute?” mean? How do these words relate to the theme
of friendship in the play? Why would Caesar say this?
6. Summarize Antony’s main points in his funeral speech?
7.Discuss each step of Antony’s plan to sway the plebians

8. . Summarize Antony’s soliloquy. 

Homework for Wednesday:  Complete Vocab for Acts 4 and 5

Wednesday, 4/9 - Begin Act 4

Act 3 

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Act 3- "Friends, Romans, Counrtymen..."

Act 3

Thursday, 2/7
1. Complete Acts 1 and 2 in Study Island.
Answer 10 questions and receive an 80% ; If you fail to receive an 80%, continue until you receive 80%
Friday, 2/14 Vocab test Acts 1-3 
Intro to Act 3 (Plan for Entire Act)
**Tuesday/ Wednesday (Wednesday only if needed) - Antony speech days!!!!!!

I. Response questions
Answer the following questions:

1. What is betrayal?
2. What omens have come true
3. What would you do if you witnessed such a scene?
4. What events in this act prove that it is the Climax?

II. Packet
Complete Acts 1-3 in the packet

III. Study Island
-Complete Act 3 in Study Island
-Answer 15 questions and receive an 80%

Iv. Read and Analyze Act 3 scenes 
-Highlight and take notes

Goal: Introduction to ACT 3 Students will read, analyze and discuss Julius Caesar Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

1. Students will read and review Act 3 Scene 1
 2. Students will read and discuss Act 3 sc 2
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Students will discuss betrayal
4. What would you do if you witnessed such a scene?
3. Review packet 

1. Students will read and discuss Act 3
2. Answer packet questions
3. Continue with Plot Structure

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Act 2

Act 2

Julius Caesar Act 2 Scenes 1,2 3 and 4

What is your impression of Portia

Calpurnia's Visions: How do you react to a "nightmare"?

Goal: Discuss and analyze ACT 2 Students will read, analyze and discuss Julius Caesar Students will relate to the concepts of betrayal and deception in modern society.

Brutus' side- Scene 1: Caesar's view- Scene 2

1. Students will read and review Act 2 Scene 1
 2. Students will read and discuss Act 2 sc 2
** Students should complete their work packets
3. Review packet

The Rising Action:
1. Students will read and discuss Act 1 scenes 3 and 4
2. Answer packet questions
3. Act 2 Test on Wednesday, 2/6

Group Questions:

Act 2 Analysis

Goal: Analysis of  ACT 2
Students will interpret/ analyze act 2

1. Students will answer the following character analysis questions:

FOR THE JOURNAL DUE ON WEDESDAY, 2/6: Answer 3  questions:  You are required to answer  1 and 7, you may pick from the following: 3,4, or 6.

**You should continually work on 2, 5, and 8. (You need to work on these throughout the story)

1. Review Portia's and Calpurnia's roles thus far in the play.Write out three quotes for each character that epitomize their roles.  Explain what each quote reveals about their personalities.

2. List all of the conspirators that have been introduced in Acts 1 and 2

3. How does Brutus feel in each scene?
Discuss his emotions in each scene and support it with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE STORY.

4.LIST EACH INSTANCE WHERE BRUTUS OVER RULES CASSIUS.  Is this what Cassius expected?  How can this foil his plan?

5. Begin in Act 1 (This will continue through Act 5)
Make a timeline of each step of the conspiracy plan - complete Act 2

6. Which character can you relate to (positively or negatively) ?  What qualities do they posses?  In what ways can you relate to them?

7. List and discuss all warnings that Caesar has received to this point in the story.

Please turn your work into
8.  Begin Plot structure worksheet

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject