1. Tuesday, 1/31- Poetry lesson
3. Thursday, 2/2- REVIEW VOC 6 - V 6 TEST WILL BE THURSDAY, 2/9/23
4. Friday, VOC 5 TEST- BEGIN JC
5. Monday, 2/6- DEBATE
-Homework for Tuesday, 2/7- complete the Mythology pages in your Caesar packet.
-Must be completed before your walk into class.
2. poetry:
Figurative Language
Amy Lowell "Generations" and "Night Clouds" (Think Figurative language )
Students will identify imagery and supporting details from text
Students will make inferences and draw conclusions based on text
Students will identify and evaluate text organization
Terms: Figurative language, lyric poetry, imagery, simile and metaphor
Lyric Poetry- expresses a speaker's personal thoughts and feelings. In acnient Greece, such poems were sung to the music of harp-like instruments called lyres. This type of poetry takes its name and songlike quality from this instrument.
Students will be introduced to Amy Lowell
Brooklyn Massachusetts- Lived in the family mansion.
Spent years reading, studying and writing poetry before joining a group of radical poets called "imagists" led by Ezra Pound
She used precise, concrete images, free verse and suggestion.
Famous for her readings and lectures, as well as poetry.
1926- Won Pulitzer Prize after her death for her writing
A pioneer of the Imagist movement
Influenced by haiku poets, the Imagists focused on a single, precisely presented image.
"Night Clouds" typifies Imagist poetry, with its strong central image and its rhythmic but irregular lines.
(Page 6 packet; 868 in text)
(read once for meaning and once to hear Iambic Pentameter)
Terms: Metaphor; Rhyme Scheme of a SS Sonnet; Iambic Pentameter
1. As in a Shakespearean sonnet, The first 8 (Octet) lines present a problem or issue and the last 6 (Sestet) have a solution or outcome.
To what is the speaker comparing the subject of the poem?
2. What does the speaker say shall not fade?
3. What does the speaker say Death shall not do?
4. To whom is the poet speaking?
5. To what does "The eye of heaven" refer?
6. To what does the world THIS in the last line refer?
7. In comparison, does the beloved fare better or worse than a summer's day? Give a detail to support your opinion.
8. What makes the beloved immortal?
9. Find a metaphor
10. What is the rhyme scheme
V. Shakespeare used by modern artists
In pairs, find similar phrasing, figurative and literal meanings.
Compare/ contrast the way both artists present the subject matter (problem/ solution)