Friday, February 23, 2018

I have a Dream

I Have a Dream Assignment

I Have a Dream

"I Have a Dream"

Background: Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
When the American Civil War (1861-65) began, President Abraham Lincoln carefully framed the conflict as concerning the preservation of the Union rather than the abolition of slavery. Although he personally found the practice of slavery abhorrent, he knew that neither Northerners nor the residents of the border slave states would support abolition as a war aim. But by mid-1862, as thousands of slaves fled to join the invading Northern armies, Lincoln was convinced that abolition had become a sound military strategy, as well as the morally correct path. On September 22, soon after the Union victory at Antietam, he issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves in the rebellious states “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” While the Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave, it was an important turning point in the war, transforming the fight to preserve the nation into a battle for human freedom.
To read, comprehend, and analyze Martin Luther King, Jr's speech, “I Have a Dream"
To identify the author's purpose
1. Read the excerpt  "I Have a Dream" from your online textbook- 9th grade Aqua PAGE 494

I  have a dream

Build Skills
I Have a Dream 
Practice these skills with either “I Have a Dream” 

Literary Analysis

persuasive speech is a speech that tries to convince listeners to think or act in a certain way. Persuasive speeches may appeal to reason or emotion or both. In order to engage the audience, speakers often include rhetorical devices, patterns of words and ideas that create emphasis and stir emotion in the audience. Common rhetorical devices include the following:
  • Parallelism: repeating a grammatical structure or an arrangement of words to create a sense of rhythm and momentum
  • Restatement: expressing the same idea in different words to clarify and stress key points
  • Repetition: expressing different ideas using the same words or images in order to reinforce concepts and unify the speech
  • Analogy: drawing a comparison that shows a similarity between unlike things

Reading Skill

Persuasive techniques are devices used to influence the audience in favor of the author’s argument. In addition to presenting evidence in a persuasive speech, a speaker may also use emotionally charged language and rhetorical devices, such as those listed above.
To analyze and evaluate persuasive techniques, read aloud to hear the effect. Notice the emotional impact of certain words and the rhythm and momentum created by specific word patterns. Consider both the purpose and effect of these persuasive techniques. Use a chart like the one shown to organize your analysis.

Vocabulary Builder


  • hallowed adj. sacred The battlefield is considered by many to be hallowed ground. 
  • degenerate v. grow worse Don’t let this discussion generate into a shouting match. 
  • creed n. statement of belief The creed of brotherhood is preached by many who do not practice it.


The Civil Rights Movement The U.S. Constitution guarantees certain rights to all Americans. The struggle of African Americans to have their rights recognized is known as the civil rights movement. Marked by demonstrations and legal challenges, this movement began in the 1950s and was led by figures like Martin Luther King, Jr.
Intro to the author:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the most charismatic leader of the civil rights movement. During the 1950's and 1960's, King organized nonviolent protests to bring about equal rights for all Americans.

A Voice for the Oppressed King first came to national attention in 1956 in Montgomery, Alabama, when he organized a 382-day boycott of the city's segregated buses by African Americans. He went on to lead other protests and to speak out eloquently against poverty and social injustice. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968. His birthday, January 15, has since become a national holiday.
Fast Facts
  • At thirty-five, King became the youngest man and only the third black man to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.
  • The song “Pride (in the Name of Love)” by the famous rock band U2 is a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

I. In remembrance of Martin Luther King Day, we are going to listen to a short excerpt from his famous "I Have a Dream" Speech

Years after his death Martin Luther King, Jr, continues to touch the lives of millions of people throughout the world.  Politicians, writers, musicians--people from all walks of life--continue to promote King's message of equality and harmony.  The following song by the popular Irish rock band U2 was written as a tribute to King and his message.

Students will read background info and listen to CD

  • This is a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. An exhibit dedicated to the civil rights leader was on display at the Chicago Peace Museum in 1983 when the band visited.
  • Bono is speaking about those throughout history who have died because they preached of the equality of all men and practiced nonviolence as the only way to achieve their goal of having this equality universally recognized.

    MLK is the primary example of nonviolent resistance as the only way to bring about changes in civil rights.

    The song is about singular "people" that lived their life with pride. Not in a boastful way, but with the pride a person has when their thoughts and actions are motivated by their understanding and full awareness of the dignity and sanctity of ALL human life.
  • King was killed on a Memphis motel balcony on April 4, 1968. Bono sings "early morning, April 4," but King was actually killed in the evening. Bono has acknowledged the mistake and sometimes sings it as "early evening, April 4."

  U2 "Pride" (youtube link)
    Pride (In The Name Of Love)
    One man come in the name of love
    One man come and go
    One man come he to justify
    One man to overthrow
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    One man caught on a barbed wire fence
    One man he resist
    One man washed up on an empty beach
    One man betrayed with a kiss
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    Early morning, April four
    Shot rings out in the Memphis sky
    Free at last, they took your life
    They could not take your pride
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
    In the name of love
    What more in the name of love
III.  Writing Assignments:

Connecting to the Literature

Reading/Writing Connection: In I Have a Dream, Martin Luther King, Jr., challenges Americans to live up to national ideals of equality and justice. Write a 5 paragraph essay in which you describe some other ideals that you consider to be characteristically American. Use at least three of these words: embody, comprise, define, invoke.

Use a 5 paragraph essay format
**As you are writing this, you may use your opinion (thus using "first person"; YOU MAY NOT USE SECOND PERSON!!!!!!!
***Remember to support your answers with cited contextual evidence from the speech and song.

1. How does the song's message relate to (pay tribute to) King's message in "I Have a Dream"?
2. What similar emotions do both evoke?  Explain (Indicate the emotions, explain and use examples/ lines from each and explain)
3. What messages do the speech and song convey? compare and contrast each selection. Support your answer

We are going to use both selections (the paragraph and the 5 paragraph essay) for class discussion

If you use direct references from the speech or song, be sure to cite,

Both assignments MUST be turned in to AND be present in class on Monday. 

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject.

5 Paragraph Essay Outline

5 Paragraph essay outline

Title: ____________________

I. Introduction
A. Introductory statement
B. Thesis statement: ____________________
C. Blueprints:
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
D. First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
E. Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
F. Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
II. Conclusion
A. Closing statement
B. Restate thesis: ____________________

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Non fiction

I. Non Fiction Terms Test

II. Objective:Interpret literary elements in nonfiction
Analyze the effectiveness of figurative language

1. students will be introduced to James Thurber

Thurber -1894-1961

-Native of Columbus, Ohio
-Worked for the US State Department after college
-Soon after became a humorist, writing essays and drawing cartoons for The New Yorker magazine
-1952 almost blind
- Students will Read about James Thurber. (p475 purple book- p 232 yellow book)
- Students will read about a humorous essay
2. Students will read "The Dog That Bit People" ( p 481 purple book ;p 234 yellow book )
3. Students will discuss the story
4. Students will complete the follow-up questions on page239-40
The Dog That Bit People part 1
The Dog That Bit People part 2If time allows, listen to Thurber story, 
Answer the following questions:
1. Respond: Which of Muggs’s escapades did you find the most amusing? Why?
2. (a) Recall: Which event does Thurber refer to as his “foolhardy” experience with Muggs? (b) Analyze: List reactions you might expect the family to have to this experience, and explain which are missing in the essay.
3. Hypothesize: Why do you think the family never does anything to get rid of Muggs?

4.  (a) Find an example of satire in each essay. (b) Identify the type of person that is satirized in each example, and explain whether you think satirizing such people is justified.

5.  Which of the following best characterizes the portrait of Muggs that the author paints?
6. How would the author characterize his relationship with Muggs?
7. How does Thuber feel about Mugs? Find three examples of contextual evidence and explain.  USe page numbers

8.Describe Mother.Find three examples of contextual evidence and explain.  USe page numbers

9. List the excuses Mother makes for MUGGS

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject.

Objective: Read and comprehend “NBA at Fifty: The Greatest Ever” by Frank Deford while evaluating persuasion. 

CC.1.2.9-10.H: Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing the validity of reasoning and relevance of evidence.

CC.1.2.9-10.L: Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.

1.       Students will watch a video on Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:
2.       Students will read about Frank Deford on page 356 of their textbook as a class.
Frank DeFord:  Over Time   Interview
3.       Students will read “NBA at Fifty: The Greatest Ever” by Frank Deford on page 357 of their textbook individually. 
4.       Students will discuss the article as a class.
5.       Students will choose one of the following and write a one paragraph persuasive response:
a.       Do you agree or disagree that basketball develops and improves differently than any other sport in the way Frank Deford expresses in this article?  Why or why not?
b.      Weigh the importance of a single player or participant in any sport or group effort. Do you agree that one player can be extraordinarily important?  Or is it the responsibility of all members of the group?  Why?
Persuade me!
Students will review nonfiction terms and structure
The assignment is marked in study island

Friday, February 16, 2018

Keep the Memory Alive

1. Finish the Intro to NONFICTION:

2. Speech: Keep the Memory Alive

Objective: Read, comprehend, and analyze Elie Wiesel’s speech, “Keep the Memory Alive.” 
Students will determine the author's purpose and discuss elements of rhetoric

1.       Students will watch a video of Elie Wiesel revisiting Auscwitz:
2.       Students will read about Elie Wiesel on page 500 of their textbook.
3.       Students will read the speech “Keep the Memory Alive” by Elie Wiesel on page 591 of their textbook together as a class. (Click on the Purple 10th grade text)
4.       Students will answer the following questions individually:
a.       What right, or claim does Wiesel question?
b.      Why is the boy incredulous as he’s being deported?
c.       What does Wiesel call those who deliberately forget the Holocaust?
d.      Why does Wiesel use the term “the fiery altar”?
e.      What is Weisel’s purpose in having his boy self talk to his man self?
f.        At the end of the piece, of what crime does Wiesel accuse the world, and how did this crime affect his future actions?
g.       Describe a situation today in which silently witnessing might do harm.
h.      Explain a time when you reflected on the past in order to keep a lesson in your mind.

CC.1.2.9-10.A: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.1.2.9-10.B: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Intro to Nonfiction

Intro to Nonfiction

Goal: Students will be introduced to nonfiction
 1. Nonfiction- Factual prose writing.  It is literature that is true.  It is based on facts- real people, actual places and true incidents
-Through nonfiction, the author communicates his/ her own opinion and reveals their personality
-An author of nonfiction usually writes for a very definite purpose and audience.
-The author's TONE usually indicates the purpose and audience in mind
-The title and style may reveal the author's purpose in a piece of nonfiction



Essays are short works of nonfiction. Their authors are usually named and are always real people. Speeches are nonfiction literary works that a speaker delivers to an audience.
  • An essay - In French essai means "an attempt."  An author always has a purpose in writing an essay;  he or she writes to communicate a particular idea or opinion on a particular topic. The Essay examines and discusses a topic, often presenting the writer’s personal viewpoints. Essays typically explore ideas and opinions.
    • The essayist uses facts, details, incidents, and reasons to develop that idea or support opinion
    • FORMAL ESSAYS- are serious and impersonal
  • speech presents a topic and often marks a specific occasion. There are many types of speeches, ranging from informal talks to formal lectures.
Essays or speeches offer more than ideas and facts; they also express a writer’s style, tone, perspective, and purpose.
  • Style is the distinctive way in which an author uses language. Style reflects an author’s individuality and can be as unique as a fingerprint. Many factors contribute to an author’s style, including level of formality, use of figurative language, word choice, sentence patterns, and methods of organization.
  • Tone is the author’s attitude toward both the subject and the audience. When you listen to a speech, you can hear the speaker’s tone just as you do when you engage in conversations. Authors of written works convey tone through word choice and details. Tone is often described with a single adjective: formal, ironic, amused, angry, and so on.
  • Perspective is the viewpoint or opinion an author expresses. Bias occurs when the presentation of a viewpoint becomes so one-sided that a writer distorts facts or uses emotional language to unfairly influence the reader or listener.
  • Purpose is the author’s reason for writing or speaking. Common purposes include the following: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to praise, to celebrate, to warn.


Essays can be categorized by the mode of composition, or author’s purpose. 
  • narrative essay tells the story of real events or an individual’s personal experiences.
  • descriptive essay creates an impression about a person, an object, or an experience.
  • An expository essay provides information, explores ideas, or explains a process.
  • persuasive essay attempts to convince readers to take a course of action or adopt the writer’s position on an issue.
  • reflective essay conveys the writer’s thoughts and feelings about a personal experience or an idea.


Speeches can be categorized by their levels of formality, which are determined by the speaker, occasion, and purpose. 
  • An address is a formal, prepared speech that is usually delivered by someone of importance.
  • talk is an informal speech delivered in a conversational style.
  • An oration is an eloquent speech given on a formal occasion.
  • lecture is a prepared speech that informs or instructs an audience.

NOTES:  TYPES OF NONFICTION  - see worksheet for more terms

Check Your Understanding
Choose the letter of the answer that best matches each numbered item.
  1. a writer’s unique use of language
    1. descriptive
    2. style

    1. unfair presentation of facts
      1. bias
      2. address

    2. a history of World War II
      1. persuasive
      2. expository

    3. the story of an athletic triumph
      1. expository
      2. narrative
    4. playful, sarcastic
      1. tone
      2. perspective

        1. II. Students will review a PowerPoint and take notes
              11.B.2.2.1 Identify and interpret first and third person point of view
              1.1.B.2.2.2  Analyze the effectiveness of the author's use of point of view and purpose
              1.1.B.3.1.1 Analyze the use of facts and opinions n nonfictional text

              Tuesday, February 06, 2018


              Propaganda Webquest

              Tuesday, 2-13
              1Turn your propaganda Webquests in to 
              2. Complete the following exercises in Study Island:
              3 exercises:
              Keystone Lit. Practice 12-14
              Study Island exercises are due before you walk into class tomorrow, 2-14

              Turn your projects in to

              Webquest PROPAGANDA
              Purpose: The Propaganda WebQuest was designed to help students to view the commercial world around them with a more critical eye. Its primary function is to focus students on the varied techniques employed by advertisers in order to sway public opinion. The culminating activity of creating an illustrative advertisement employing one of the techniques introduced will further synthesize the students perception of advertising tactics. Propaganda, in this case, is primarily focused on advertising. There is some background information that includes historical governmental propaganda techniques and posters, but the primary focus of this activity is to steer the students toward the marketing that is before them every day.


              It's not as easy as you might think to spot hidden messagesthese techniques are designed to fool us because they appeal to our emotions rather than our reason. Propaganda designers know that you are on your guard, to get around your guard they don't put one message into a piece of propaganda they put lots of messages into one piece! The more you know about propaganda techniques and how they work, the less likely it is that someone will sneak something by you. That's why it's important to understand what propaganda is and how it works.  

              Use the following links to complete the WebQuest




              Task 2:
                Define Propaganda

              A. List the Dictionary Definition
              B. Create your own definition by reading the information under "LINKS"

              Task 3: In order to recognize and use propaganda techniques you must first identify and define these tricks of the trade:

              1. Bandwagon

              2. Loaded Words

              3. Testimonial

              4. Transfer

              5. Repetition

              6. Name Calling

              7. Fear

              8. Glittering Generalities

              9. Plain Folks

              10. Misuse of Statistics

              Task 4: In order to prevent being fooled by an effective propaganda campaign, let's closely examine propaganda techniques. Scan the Internet, newspapers and magazines to locate examples of persuasive writing (editorials, advertisements, etc.).  Choose at least one example for each type of propaganda listed above and identify and analyze the author’s use of propaganda techniques.   Next, place each ad on a PowerPoint slide, indicate the technique used, and explain how the technique is used in each ad.

              Task 5: Now that you understand how to spot hidden messages it's your turn to put techniques to work. Choose a persuasive(like your convincing someone to do or buy something) topic of your own to create a brochure using at least two propaganda techniques.

              More Examples 

              Analyze in detail how an author’s
              ideas or claims are developed and
              refined by particular sentences,
              paragraphs, or larger portions of a


              Determine an author’s particular
              point of view and analyze how
              rhetoric advances the point of


              Apply appropriate strategies to
              analyze, interpret, and evaluate
              how an author unfolds an analysis
              or series of ideas or events,
              including the order in which the
              points are made, how they are
              introduced and developed, and
              the connections that are drawn
              between them.


              Analyze various accounts of a
              subject told in different mediums
              (e.g., a person’s life story in both
              print and multimedia),
              determining which details are
              emphasized in each account.